A knowledge holder familiar with a basin will take 10-20 minutes to complete each questionnaire. An alternative is to conduct structured interviews involving 1-4 knowledge holders per session, which will take 30-40 minutes. A plenary/workshop module…

A knowledge holder familiar with a basin will take 10-20 minutes to complete each questionnaire. An alternative is to conduct structured interviews involving 1-4 knowledge holders per session, which will take 30-40 minutes. A plenary/workshop module using wifi enabled smartphones, tablets or laptops is currently undergoing trials.

Basin Kracqing

Once we know who knows what where and when using the Knowledge PinMap™ tool, responders are invited to contribute their their knowledge of an area by completing an online questionnaire of drop-down options at a basin, play, venture or opportunity level** using the new enhanced KRACQS™ tool (Knowledge Ranking Assessment from Calibrated Quantitative Screening).  Kracqed segments roll up value at a basin level so that a contiguous heat map of global basins can be visually represented, in effect creating a crustal mosaic expressed as a combination of geo-technical and geo-commercial value drivers.  Ultimately, the granularity of the visual representation and breadth of metrics is customisable for your organisation.  The KRACQS™ will score the results of the questionnaire as a single record collaboratively or as independent views later stacked to collapse cognitive bias.  Knowledge sharing or stacking in this way is the most crucial step in the journey to value creation from the knowledge lying dormant in your organisation.  The choice of sharing or stacking depends on the lateral permeability of your organisational structure*. 

The key to success for Kracqing:

  • Achieving the correct balance of granularity in the metrics (all basins are unique but uniqueness is the enemy of predictability)

  • Maximising the contributions of your knowledge holders (one person's view is dogma - two peoples' views are already a conversation)

Map showing kracqed (Tellus) Basins coloured hypothetically green for strong geo-technical, purple for strong geo-commercial and grey for basins that (for reasons of hypothetical strategic preference) could be seen as off limits.

Map showing kracqed (Tellus) Basins coloured hypothetically green for strong geo-technical, purple for strong geo-commercial and grey for basins that (for reasons of hypothetical strategic preference) could be seen as off limits.


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** Selecting the appropriate granularity of segment is a business choice. The activity is called "Basin Kracqing" because all assessment segments should be rolled up to a basin level to take advantage of basin evolution perceptions, which is of particular importance to polyphase petroleum systems.

*it is recognised that some organisations have legally constrained boundaries within their organisations that inhibit the cross-flow of knowledge between internal entities. In these cases, knowledge can be stacked mathematically to reduce cognitive bias rather than shared.