Cognitive Visibility: launching SpatialCV™

May 2018


Quotes from beta-testers:

·     “Thanks for the opportunity to test Spatial CV, I think this will revolutionise future recruitment.”

·     “This is the first time I thought that a task of filling a CV was not monotonous rather exciting” 

·     “I think the system is simple and easy to use so had no issues with functionality.”

·     “I found this really creative and well done on that, my compliments”

·     “What you are doing is fantastic!”

K2V Ltd. is proud to announce the launch of the new SpatialCV™ and the re-launch of the Knowledge PinMap™. Following months of trials and input from scores of you, the new facility is now available for free to anyone who wants to improve their visibility* or anyone who wants to recruit the right person for the right job.

In February 2018, K2V Ltd. published an article (HERE) introducing the concept of a spatial CV allowing job seekers and recruiters alike to reclaim ownership of career development. The article explained the difficulty that job owners have finding the right people to fill positions because of the lack of visibility of job seekers. It turns out that visibility is about more than just self-fulfilment. It is about connecting knowledge and having the right conversations with other knowledge holders.


A journey towards self-fulfilment

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Exploration is, by definition, a journey in to the unknown. As explorers, we live with, and thrive on, the uncertainty and risk that come with exploration.  Our perception of exposure to risk & uncertainty becomes modified by the experience we gain along the way, which is in itself a journey: one that makes us unique; makes us who we are.  Whether our career so far has been motivated by continuous personal development (formative career), or more opportunistically through personal interest or passion (leisure career), that exploration journey is of our making – we alone own it. Luck has always played a role in success and always will.  How we make luck happen or work in our favour depends on how we stack the dice.  And this is how, in 5 easy steps:

1.    Setup - Click HERE, tell us who you are and what your sharing preferences are, then dropdown SpatialCV™ > My PinMap™

2.    Start pinning - Zoom in on the map*, left panel - Map Action: Add New, click on the map location (toggle reference overlays), select your “Role” and “Function in Role” (equivalent to “job title”), level of knowledge (1 to 5 with 5 being the highest depth of knowledge) then complete the time gates. When you’re done, click anywhere on the map to see your new pin. Note the timeline below the map, return to the map to “add new” &c. and watch your timeline grow.

3.    Journey through space and time - Click between map and timeline as your journey unfolds. Hover over the bars on the timeline to scroll through information (also highlighted on the map) or click on the bars to zoom to the map location - Once you have 25 pins, the timeline itself will zoom (click timeline whitespace to pull the zoom back). Alternatively, zooming in on the map will also restrict the timeline to the intervals represented by the pins showing on the map. 

Time gaps.jpeg

4.    Finessing the journey - Modify pins to refine by zooming to the basin outlines until you see familiar well locations, add new pins as your memory evokes important but half-forgotten learnings and enjoy your trip down memory lane.

5.    Publish – Go back to the dropdown modules > Knowledge PinMap™ and see the sea of pins and filter to locate yours, click on the pin to examine metrics, or click “Show User Pins” to see all of the pins of that particular user. Everyone can see the same as you but only you know who you are: you’re done! Unless you’re a tweaker, in which case return to SpatialCV™ and tweak away.

Public Pins.jpeg

There are two types of pinner: “tweakers” and “troopers”. Tweakers like to get as many pins in as fast as possible, leaving the detail (level of knowledge and context) until the end, when they go back and finesse, balance, add and delete pins, adding new ones a few days later at 3am when they suddenly remember an important missing pin! Troopers systematically marshal each pin sequentially, completing each one before moving on to the next, never turning back and never needing to revisit. We as pinners can indulge in the uniqueness of who we are and broadcast it without the need for comparison and without limiting our visibility through misplaced views of what we think others see in us. Tweaker or trooper, the journey down memory lane is fun! When you are finished, your pins will be anonymously redisplayed on a public Knowledge PinMap™ together with thousands of others giving you instant filterable visibility. You need an account to see your own pins using SpatialCV™ but you don't need one to see anyone else's using the Knowledge PinMap™ (click HERE to see how others are doing now). No one can trace your pins back to you without your direct consent (we will send you an email request for each enquiry).

Data Trust

Our guiding principles are threefold: simple, free and open to all individuals seeking to pin their knowledge, which is easy enough to say but there has been a lot of much needed media attention recently around trusting who we allow to see our data. SpatialCV™ is fully GDPR compliant, which may bring a measure of comfort but comfort does not mean trust. Why would you trust someone or a system you don’t know? The answer is - you can’t but what you can do is protect yourself by restricting the information you give. To help you with this, we won’t ask you for your date of birth, gender, faith, ethnicity, your favourite hair style or the perfume you wear. We are not even especially interested in your name, although we would like to have a handle of some kind so that we can communicate with you on a one-to-one basis when you require it. We find the easiest way to make your identity unique is to associate you with your public LinkedIn identity. Ultimately, whether your identity is real or imagined is not important to us, we just verify your merit through the internal consistency of your claims. Your identity is your property – we call that “self-sovereignty”. If you submit a credible identity, then the truth of what you claim is between you and those who seek to know you better. SpatialCV™ plays no role in that relationship beyond making it happen.


Past commentary by K2V Ltd focused on increasing personal visibility for self-advancement as well as advancing joined-up thinking for mature basins. Mature petroleum systems like the North Sea are not short of connected data but they are short on connected knowledge. Having access to the right kinds of conversations with the right people is crucial without sharing proprietary information but only by mutual consent. SpatialCV™ facilitiates:

·     Visibility

·     Connectivity

·     Progressive Career Planning

·     Self-sovereignty

·     Personal mobility

·     Screening

·     Generically comparable standards

 SpatialCV™ was designed and created by global professionals in the O&G sector for global professionals in the O&G sector. If it fails to serve our interests as users, it fails in authenticity. If “self sovereignty” poses a risk to you, tell us. Good, bad or ugly, please share your experience for all to see HERE. We just make one request: there is always room for improvement but not by sacrificing simplicity. All of us have a tendency to over-engineer good ideas because they inspire us to improve. Maintaining the audacity for simplicity takes real tenacity (and some grinding of teeth).


*Spatial CV is designed to visualise the development of geo-technical practitioners with more than 5 years’ experience.  A different solution is being designed with universities to provide visibility for those with less developed cognitive biases.